Native Passkey

A blockchain wallet based on the emerging standard of Native Passkeys utilizes biometric and/or hardware security module (HSM)-based keys for authentication, rather than traditional passwords or mnemonic phrases. This design focuses on simplifying user operations and enhancing security.

Moss's Native Passkey Key Advantages:

1. Enhanced Security

  • Passwordless Authentication: The Passkey wallet eliminates the need for passwords, reducing risks associated with password attacks and breaches.

  • Biometric Technology: By using biometric technology (such as fingerprints or facial recognition), the Passkey wallet provides a more secure and private authentication method.

  • Hardware Security: Typically integrated with hardware security modules (like a phone's secure chip), this enhances key protection, making it difficult for external attacks to obtain the keys.

2. Simplified User Operations

  • Quick Access: Users can access their funds quickly through biometric methods without needing to remember complex passwords or mnemonic phrases.

  • Ease of Management: Since passwords or mnemonic phrases are not required, the user experience is more straightforward and intuitive.

  • Cross-Device Compatibility: Passkeys can be used across multiple devices, supporting seamless operations on phones, computers, and other platforms.

3. Lower User Barrier

  • No Downloads Needed: Since keys are stored in local hardware security modules, users don't need to download browser plugins or wallet apps.

  • Fast Registration: Users can generate wallets directly through biometric methods without remembering complex passwords or mnemonic phrases.

4. Enhanced Privacy Protection

  • Reduced Data Breach Risk: By not storing passwords or other easily exploitable credentials, the risk of data breaches is minimized.

  • Decentralized Authentication: Passkey wallets can authenticate without relying on third-party services, enhancing user privacy protection.

5. Compatibility

  • Support for Standard Protocols: Passkeys are based on open standards (like WebAuthn), supporting compatibility and interoperability across Android, Apple, Windows, etc.

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: Users can use the same Passkey to verify transactions across multiple different blockchains.

6. Reduced User Errors

  • Fewer Errors: Traditional passwords and mnemonic phrases are easy to forget or enter incorrectly, but Passkeys reduce this risk through automatic and secure authentication.

  • No Password Resets Needed: Users no longer need to periodically change or reset passwords, reducing associated security risks and inconvenience.

Native Passkey wallets offer a more secure, user-friendly, and future-proof solution for managing cryptocurrencies, ideal for users seeking simplified operations without compromising security. As technology evolves and broader application support develops, Passkey wallets are expected to play an increasingly important role in digital identity and payment domains.

Last updated